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Thank you

White Feather

John - Chef

I feel energies, and meeting up with you I could feel your energy, it's like magic. Some people "practice" it, but dont really practise it, you are walking proof, you live it on a daily basis, and it radiates through you, its beautiful.

Katharyna Arajuo -
BJJ World Champion / MMA Fighter

A big thank you to Petra, and well done on making me believe in myself more! You completely changed my view, the way I think, see and even the way I breathe. You made me understand my purpose in life and i'll carry your advice for the rest of my life, such a powerful session.

Anonymous - MC Rehabilitation Center

You have taken me out of a deep dark prison inside of my mind, I have now broken through those walls through your techniques of spiritual healing & meditation sessions. You have been the only one able who has been able to help me turn off  my mind.

Yoga Practice

Anonymous - MC Rehabilitation Center

You are a fantastic motivational speaker, you have taught me so much about our minds, thought patterns and energy frequencies. You really brought so much healing into my life. I have always been quite close minded as to how powerful the mind is and how we channel our energy, but your techniques work, this is no joke. I have used your techniques and got the evidence

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Psychic Stones
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